Want to get involved with the Quicksilvers for the 2023/24 season? We’re looking for volunteers of all talents! CLICK HERE. 

Independent ♦ Community Driven ♦ Grassroots Soccer

Las Vegas Quicksilvers Tryout Registration


AUGUST 19, 2023 AT 10:30AM

RAFAEL RIVERA PARK – 2850 Stewart Ave, Las Vegas, NV 89101

As a competitive men’s soccer program, the Las Vegas Quicksilvers strives to provide our players with a professional environment to develop and grow in. Players will be expected to meet certain club standards both on and off the field. As a community-driven club, we aim to develop good people as well as good players.

If you think you have what it takes to become a Quicksilver, fill out the interest form below. 

Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
Please upload a headshot
Before you participate in any activities or events organized by our club, please read and understand the following terms and conditions. By becoming a member of the Las Vegas Quicksilvers, you agree to abide by these terms: Voluntary Participation: Membership in our soccer team is entirely voluntary. Players understand that they are not employed by the club, and this is not a paid position. Financial Responsibilities: As a player, you are responsible for paying club dues and coaching fees in a timely manner. Failure to meet payment deadlines may result in temporary suspension or loss of playing privileges until outstanding fees are settled. Code of Conduct: All players are expected to adhere to the club's code of conduct, which emphasizes respect, sportsmanship, and fair play. Any violation of the code of conduct may result in disciplinary actions, including but not limited to warnings, fines, suspension, or expulsion from the team. Health and Safety: Players must ensure that they are physically fit to participate in soccer activities. Any medical conditions or injuries that could affect your ability to play must be disclosed to the coaching staff for your safety and the safety of other team members. Insurance: Our soccer team does not provide insurance coverage for players beyond what is provided by our leagues. It is the individual responsibility of each player to arrange for their personal insurance coverage. Media and Publicity: By joining the team, players consent to the use of their name, likeness, photographs, and videos for promotional purposes on the club's website, social media, or other media platforms. Participation Waiver: Players understand that soccer involves certain inherent risks, and by participating in the club's activities, they assume full responsibility for any injuries or accidents that may occur during training sessions, matches, or events. Membership Termination: The Las Vegas Quicksilvers reserves the right to terminate the membership of any player who violates the terms and conditions or engages in conduct deemed detrimental to the club's reputation and values. Amendments: These terms and conditions are subject to change, and any updates will be communicated to the players in a timely manner. By proceeding with registration and participating in our soccer team's activities, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agreed to the above terms and conditions.