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Independent ♦ Community Driven ♦ Grassroots Soccer

Las Vegas Quicksilvers Soccer Club – Fall 2021

Spring Valley High School Las Vegas Quicksilvers

Las Vegas — As we look forward to our inaugural season this Fall, we are thankful for all of the people who have helped this dream along so far and we look forward to meeting even more passionate supporters of local soccer. 

The decision to revive the Las Vegas Quicksilvers Soccer Club is one that our founders take great pride in. As Las Vegas natives, we know far too well what it feels like to not have a local club to support— much less one that is founded on the values and principles that make soccer the beautiful game that it is. So we’ve spent the last two years telling ourselves “build a club that you would be proud to support,” and that has been a guiding principle from day one. 

With that being said, we are excited to announce that the Las Vegas Quicksilvers Soccer Club will be returning to Las Vegas this September 2021 as founding members of the Southwest Premier League, a regional soccer league affiliated with the SoCal Premier and NISA Nation (you can read all about that here). This is a very exciting project for us and it is one that means a lot to everyone working behind the scenes to grow the beautiful game in our communities and across the United States. We look forward to sharing more information about the SWPL in the coming weeks as more announcements roll out. 

In the meantime, you can follow along as we rebuild this special piece of Las Vegas sporting history. Find us on all social media platforms @QuicksilversSC.